a little bit about me

Jessica Langer, RYT-200

Jess Langer

Hello! I’m Jess, and I use She/They pronouns. I am currently residing in Northern Minnesota with my partner and my two dogs.

I enjoy being in and with Lake Superior at all times of the year, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in the winter, hiking with my two dogs, Watson and Marcie, rock hunting, tending to my houseplants, reading, learning, and having discussions with others! I am also passionate about doing inner work, reclaiming wholeness, pleasure, and rest, and caring for one another in community.

Jessica Langer - UMD Grad pic


University of Minnesota Duluth

Bachelor of Business Administration, May 2019

Major: Entrepreneurship, Minor: Marketing

UMD Best of Class Scholarship, UMD Study Abroad Scholarship, UMD George and Elizabeth Goldfarb Scholarship, Dean’s List of Academic Excellence (4 semesters)

Study Abroad in Ireland presented “The Dog Company,” research project for 15 peers and at the REIF (Regional Economic Indicators Forum) breakfast